Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ebony drawing

Hello all!!

I bring to you another drawing!  This assignment for my drawing class was really enjoyable, and once again, it is the first time experimenting with this specific medium.  We used ebony pencils on coquil (or however you spell it) paper.  It really produced some beautiful results.  The ebony pencils are really similar to just graphite pencils, but the paper is really something else.  It is really toothy, so it shows a grainy texture that is just gorgeous.

Too bad you can get up close and personal to see the grainy texture.  I think that's what makes this medium so elegant and special.
Let me know what you think! :D

Friday, November 19, 2010

Dali- Recreated


So recently in my drawing class, we were asked to choose a famous piece of artwork, recreate it, and change something about it.  So I chose Salvador Dali's "Persistence of Time" piece and made my own version called "Persistence of Hunger".

I had a lot of fun doing this.  It was interesting to draw a painting. 
My choice of medium were the pastel pencils.  I've grown really fond of these pastels ever since I've been introduced to them in the beginning of the semester.

Here's the original piece:

Constructive criticism welcomed!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Shaun Evaristo

Shaun Evaristo is such an amazing dancer, choreographer, and performer.  He travels the world performing and teaching workshops, and he also choreographs routines for international stars, such as a Korean band named Big Bang.  I'm just so amazed by how smooth, clean, and flowing his moves are.  It takes great precision to get to his level.

Here is a performance I really enjoyed.  He collaborated with many different dancers, including Sh*t Kingz.  Check it out!

Shaun Evaristo / Miguel Jontel ft. The S**t Kingz, Keone, Paul,

 Dana - H.o.B.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

House Dancing

I recently began learning about House Dancing since summer of 2009.  I still remember going to the city library for the first time, seeing Danny Dance with his DJ equipment with people dancing around him so freely.  Since that day, House has become one of my favorite styles of dance.  It is still fairly unknown amongst the mainstream culture, but there are many amazing House dancers in the world.  The style itself is very free and soulful, and you have to let your body loose.  The key is to let your body move as one with the beats of the music.  The main groove you must learn is the Jack.  The Jack is the essence of House dancing.  You can have all the moves in the world, but if you don't have the Jack, then you won't have House.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blu --> Urban Artist

For our personal website assignment we have to create for our Project 1, I decided to choose Urban Arts as my topic.  I have learned a lot about this beautiful genre of art through research for this assignment, and I am happy to say that I am a fan.  The style is so unique and edgy at the same time. 

I came across an artist named Blu, which is just an alias name to cover his real identity.  He utilizes the art form and adds animation to it as well.  I believe he'd paint an image, take a picture, erase it with white paint, and paint the next continuous image.  So it is like a stop-and-go animation.  Can you imagine the time and patience it would take to complete a whole project like this?? I really really respect Blu as an artist, and I am just fascinated with his creativity.

Here's a few of his animated pieces.  Check it out!

MUTO - Blu


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Evolution V

I just recently came back from New York/New Jersey about an hour ago, and once again, the east coast never ceases to inspire me.  I mainly went for major Breaking Event called Evolution 5.  The best of the best BBoys and BGirls from all around the world came together to compete in this joyous event.  Even though everyone did not know each other's languages, it was beautiful to see people from different countries interacting with each other through the language of dance.  New friends were made, new inspirations were created. 

It was my first ever major battle out of Utah, and it definitely had an entirely different feel compared to Utah's battles.  For one, the scene is a lot bigger outside of Utah, and people from all around the world were competing.  The dancers were doing moves I would never have imagined possible.  In the finale, it ended up being Maximum crew (Korea) vs. Found Nation (Japan).  It was a very intense and close battle, but Maximum ended up taking the win! The winners get to fly to France to compete in another major battle.

It was definitely a great opportunity I was able to witness, and I am so motivated to practice even harder!  I want to be able to cypher with the rest of the amazing dancers out there in the world.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The beginning of Fall = a whole new fashion wardrobe!

I absolutely adore fashion, and I try to stray away from the typical things and spice it up in order to be more unique, original, and me.  As we may all realize, the weather is rapidly turning colder every day. I always love Fall season! It's not too cold, nor is it too hot, and i can expand on my fashion wardrobe BIG TIME by layering, layering layering!!!  Because I can layer so many different clothing and accessories together without being terrified of the heat, I can create many different outfits with just a few things!!

Some of my favorites to wear are blazers and jackets.  They are so versatile and can be worn either casually or formal.  Because it is an outer wear, you can throw this over pretty much every outfit!

I also love gaged earrings.  I have always been fascinated with them, but the thing is, i don't want to actually enlarge my holes.  So what can I do in this situation?  I came across this website, and to my lovely surprise, they actually sell fakies (which are earrings that give the illusion of your ears being gaged).  I am super excited because it is exactly what I need!  I have not ordered from this site before, so I have some researching to do, but hopefully they are trustworthy.

There are so many fun clothes and accessories out there.  If only I was very wealthy, my wardrobe would be filled with awesome fashion.  I just strive to be unique in some way, and it is another outlet for me to express my creativity.  I feel that fashion isn't just "beauty and outer looks", but it can also be an art form that one can use to express oneself.